Well, I’m delighted to report a much more scintillating activity this week after the mundane, boring, predictable exploits of last week when the best I could muster was what we had watched on TV; ready for it? Appliance shopping!! Yes, it’s true, after plumbing the depths of mediocrity last week, I can top it this week with everyone’s favourite pastime. We’re now proudly in possession of a new automatic kettle and a cheapy version of the coffee machine we have back home. If anyone is still reading this, shame on you; can you not see that I have stooped to the lowest minutia to try to get a story for this week?
There are excuses for this but there are no real reasons. I have been struck down by a toxic flu this week and while dismissing the symptoms earlier in the week as “a bit of a cold”, it degenerated to the point that I was unable to speak from Tuesday pm through to Saturday morning. I croaked at the kiddies on Tuesday but succumbed to the inevitable and took Wednesday off. Not feeling too good and doing my best impersonation of Whispering Ted Lowe, I went to work on Thursday, only to be extremely frustrated and trying to communicate through clicks and gestures! I again stayed home on Friday, as I still couldn’t make a sound. Each night, about 7.30, I can feel the cool night air descend deep into my chest and I start coughing again. I remember having this type of chest infection back when we were in Fletcher Street and we left there over 6 years ago, so it’s been a while since I’ve had this sickness. Thankfully, Cassy has managed not to get this sickness: we don’t need both of us down for the count.
You guessed it however: I did make an ill fated journey to the beach on Saturday morning, got out of breath just paddling out and lolled around in a wind whipped freezing surging surf for ½ an hour or so before giving up. Check pointyhat for all the details of the riders of the storm.
Anyway, gee these appliances are fantastic!! It was cold and wet all weekend and we’ve both read some books this week and over the weekend. I’ve just finished a hard-to-put-down biography of the great Australian surfing enigma of the 70s, Michael Petersen. What an incredible story this was, the most gifted surfer in the world who just seemed to disappear overnight. The story of his drug addictions and struggles with schizophrenia was just mesmerizing. I am also reading a 3rd book by the author Andrew Vachss. This guy writes some riveting crime fiction, his anti-hero Burke a well-drawn and believable tough guy. One of Cassy’s friend’s husbands has lent be a further 3, so I’ll be set for a while! Cass has also been reading lots, as usual, and she has just finished the latest Ian Rankin thriller, Fleshmarket Alley. She’s also spent heaps of quality time with the “girls” this weekend, and as you can see by the photo, Mary is certainly not complaining about the attention!
Look, I really can’t stress strongly enough how wonderful these new appliances are…. we’re excited! (See pathetic and ridiculous staged photo above)
We had a delicious and decadent lunch out at Wendel’s this afternoon and got some cakes for tea. I’m not going to mention all the movies and TV we’ve watched because I realize it’s not the most compelling subject matter. On the other hand, electrical appliances: did I mention th…………..!