Using our credit card for every possible available purchase has been, ostensibly, to maximize our frequent flyer miles. Having already cashed in enough points to get one return flight from Hong Kong to Sydney (combined with our usual air miles of course), we’ve seen how it can help a lot. We aren’t the bank’s best customers of course, because we always pay it off in full by the due date. To HSBC this doesn’t seem to matter though, and on sheer volume alone, we have been elevated to VIP status with the bank. Normally I’d worry about a bank thinking I was a VIP, but not when they give you two free tickets to Hong Kong! Yes, they’ve decided in their infinite wisdom, that we are to be rewarded for our spending with a trip. We’ll certainly take advantage of this and plan to go for a few days in our Spring Break, also coinciding with Cassy’s birthday. We were chuffed to get this little bonus during the week.
Cassy has suffered from a bad cold this week so she has been pretty quiet, literally. I’ve had my chest infection linger slowly on so we haven’t been the happiest campers this week. Just today we both started to feel a little better, so we’re looking forward to a better few weeks to come than we’ve just had. We realized this morning, that is was 26 years ago today that a skinny mop head boy and a very pretty girl met at the pre Uni get-to-know-you BBQ and drinks. We spent some time looking through some old photos and stretching our memories to remember some of the stuff we did, the people we knew etc back in those early days. It was a great time and we surprised ourselves a little at how much we did remember: that’s good, no Alzheimer’s yet!
The surf has been pretty average lately (surprise!) but we went out after work on Friday afternoon and again today. It was stormy and wet and windy, but we actually got a few today, which was pretty satisfying. I’m really stoked at the moment as many of my credit hunting friends and colleagues are stuck in at school this weekend and next doing a further SUNY Masters subject. I’ve decided to ditch this one as I think I can get the equivalent points in a different way (i.e. online and working in MY time, not a dictated time) so even though I’ve put it off a little, I’m sure it will work out better in the end.
Chris bought me a speedball at Christmas, Carl brought it back and some of the maintenance boys at school built me a rebound board. Its going great guns and you can work up quite a sweat. Ross and I will be back on the heavy bag as well this week after a couple of weeks off, mainly because of my chest.
The repair on the front tooth I broke off in 1983 finally came unstuck through the week so I have a temporary crown on it till a permanent one is made up. I’ll be back at the dentist’s a few times yet in the next couple of weeks….yuk!
Cassy’s illness meant that she missed her book club on Thursday night, which she was disappointed about, but she read the new Sue Grafton, “S is for Silence” amongst other books, and rated it highly, Kinsey still as engaging a character as ever. We also missed seeing one of Cassy’s colleagues playing guitar in the band, “The Silver Thongs”, formed specially for the night and singing all sorts of Aussie and Kiwi songs at a bar down in Taipei city. They played last night but we were both still a bit sick to make it……See you next time!