Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sick bags and tissues at the ready, I supervised one of three mini buses as it negotiated the city traffic, the freeway and then the winding and precipitous mountain roads hugging the escarpments above Wanli township on the north east coast. Of course, I was off to Camp Taiwan with two of the third grade classes, the kids buzzing with excitement and the skies teeming with thick grey rain squalls!

I actually hated this yearly journey at one point in my time here at school and I've no doubt talked about it before. The previous incarnation of this trip involved parents accompanying, never a good formula for any kind of real structure, along with hauling food, cooking it, AND designing and running all the activities. Never mind the 24 hour supervision necessary. I shudder when I remember those days! Far more couth is the contemporary version, our role limited to as much or as little as we wish, ever mindful of the fact that our authority carries a lot more weight with the kids than the camp counselors'. It was pretty good despite the relentless rain, and the kids, although a slightly more difficult bunch this year than the usual, all responded well to the activities and the mild deprivations. The food is always great, so Katie, Michelle and I had lots of fun filling up at meal times!

My mate Gurecki celebrated his birthday on Friday as well, so after getting back from camp and a quick shower, I was down at Wendel's drinking big glasses of Erdinger with some of the core crew. Dave and Michael and John joined the inner circle of me, Wal and Gurecki. We had a great time there before rolling up the road to the brand new Bund 18 bar, a re-incarnation of the old Soo Who bar just a few shops down. I think they have plans to open some kind of eatery in the old bar which could be interesting for us as it is just round the corner. Bund 18 was all very trendy, maybe a little too trendy for us: the jury's out!

Cass has been the makeup supervisor for the middle school play all this week, culminating with the three big performances on Friday and Saturday night along with a big matinee show today. "Romeo and Harriet" has been a huge success, sell-out shows guaranteed from an especially large cast (that could be considered a little cynical?!). The trouble for Cassy has been the terribly debilitating illness she has suffered from all week. Not really recovering from the sickness she had last week, she succumbed to this latest virulence early on Monday. Visits to the doctor, lots of drugs and many days off work all seemed to be just interim measures as she was as weak as a kitten, just needing sleep and lots of it. Somehow, she dragged herself through all the performances, just starting to feel mildly better today after the show. It's been a very difficult week for her all round.

Just to get out and do something today, we decided to go to our very favourite restaurant, Din Tai Fung down in the basement of the new SOGO department store near our place. A pleasant and slow stroll down the backstreets was about all Cassy could manage, but I think the food was slightly restorative: it was delicious anyway! We have a professional development day at school tomorrow (translation: sans kiddies), so at least Cass will have an extra day without the rigour of the usual classroom to recover a little more.

Photos today are of my kids in the "orchard habitat" on the side of a rainy mountain, two of the kids I teach, part of our group for Gurecki's birthday, Din Tai Fung, and some rooftop gardens, Taipei style! I'm reading the entertaining Harlan Coben's "Long Lost" and Cass is reading "Revolutionary Road". Oh and hey, we'll be back in three weeks for our annual holiday!