Sunday, May 22, 2011

Both still suffering from various lingering illnesses, we haven't really done much at all in the last week, particularly this weekend. I've managed to catch some other kind of chest infection and Cass is still very enervated from the tiniest activity, so we've laid low. It was a bit of a shame really, as the usual end-of-year party weekends are in full swing and we were invited to go downtown to drink and eat with a really great group on Saturday night. I'd said we were about an 80% chance, but when the time came to make a call, we both decided we weren't really up to it!

We did drag ourselves out of the house for a few hours today to go down to the Shingong Mitsukoshi store and its associated Miramar cinema. We decided to watch "Fast Five", not really expecting too much, but we had seen the shorts and it looked pretty exciting. While no "Battleship Potemkin" or "Citizen Kane", (in fact the script appeared to be written for ventriloquist's dolls!), the action sequences (of which there were a plethora!), fast, glossy cars and beautiful people all round, meant it was a perfect piece of escapism for a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Afterwards, we wandered across to confirm that one of our favourite restaurants, "Aubergine", had indeed departed from the basement of Jasper Villa, but a few interesting places had recently opened, including a branch of "Pho" at which we have eaten downtown a number of times. Looks like we might be swapping the Japanese curries for Vietnamese noodles if we want to eat in this particular 'hood in the future.

Cass bought a nice pair of patent summer sandals on the way out, so she was so pleased that I even witnessed one of those very rare sights in this household when we got home: the discarding of an old pair of shoes! A red letter day!

I've discovered my e-reader (Kindle style) can not only read and recognize all the myriad of file types it had originally promised, but also any book published on the .mobi extension, which is, of course, Kindle's and Amazon's exclusive domain. I've already downloaded a whole stack of titles that some kind souls have decided to share with the world. Just gotta love these Chinese made machines: they can do anything, even above and beyond their stated claims of expertise!

Our almost complete lack of engagement with the world this weekend meant a total lack of any photos, either on my phone or camera, but I scoured the files for a few that I've taken recently. These were originally considered unworthy, but they all have a certain appeal I think! Another reason I'm getting slack is that this will my second last blog this academic year: I'll write again next Sunday, but we'll be flying home the following Sunday. We're ready for it!