At school, the kiddies all made me some cards and they were quite hilarious and sweet and a member of my team made me a chocolate cake that we all shared at morning tea. That evening, partly in response to the chocolate cake I must admit, I denied myself a night off from the “steps” and dutifully motored up them. Checking the inbox when I got back, it was wonderful to hear from all three of my siblings and news from some as well. When I got cleaned up, Cass and I decided to wander up the river pathway to the Thai Town on Tienmu West. We had a delicious meal and a really pleasant walk back along the river, taking in the sights and sounds and were amazed at how many people were promenading in the night time. It was really beautiful as a sunny day had made way for a crispy clean evening with a light breeze and the path and river illuminated just right…it was a great day! Chris and Val rang me the night before from the depths of the Red Centre right next to Uluru (that’s what it is called now you two!) on a crackling mobile line and Mum rang after we got back from Thai Town and we had a good chat.
On Friday I joined the lower school crew at Sababa, which has just recently opened in Tienmu. It’s a branch of the same chain that Cass and I used to travel downtown to visit and has delicious fare of the middle eastern/Turkish variety, very healthy too. Well for our ex-Taipei readers, it is owned and run by Jim M. and Annie L. just down the lane from Subway in the same spot where “Mom and Pop’s” Chinese hole-in-the-wall used to be. It’s a classic for them, as they were Mom and Pop’s best customers I think! The place is completely unrecognizable…it’s completely re-fitted and features some slick décor and a very relaxing outdoor spot as well. Mindful of an early start the next day, I was home pretty early.
We were up at 6 a.m. Saturday, not to do a run to the coast for a surf, but to work! Cass was going to help me set up tests before running off to her duties in the middle school play makeup room backstage where she is in charge of a group of girls (and one boy too this year). I was in the lower gym with an even 100 middle and high schoolers trying to gain entry to the school. I had spent various parts of the day in the week leading up to this preparing tests, writing prompts, photocopying, booking facilities etc as I also had to organize the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade external tests on at the same time. I got a trusty group of proctors ready and off we went. It went pretty much without a hitch, which is remarkable, but Cass and I were grading and sorting until 6 p.m. We do get paid extra of course, but it’s a bummer, especially as the day outside was just gorgeous.
We got out today and scootered over to Neihu, where we watched the movie, “Knowing” at the Miramar there. After reading some less than complimentary reviews, we decided to check the ever reliable David and Margaret and they were quite positive, so we gave it a try. Apart from the last 15 minutes, which got a bit silly, it was really great entertainment and we enjoyed the cameos from stacks of Aussie actors (apparently it was shot almost entirely in and around Melbourne). A quick lunch in the food court (remember Chris and Val?) of a smoked salmon sandwich and a decadent treat of some bite sized Dunkin Donuts to take away and we whizzed back to watch a very entertaining football game between the Eels ad the Bulldogs. All in all, a weird weekend, but good. Photos: Some signs we see are just too much! Ready to wander up to Thai Town on my birthday, Cass in a mass of scooters in the Miramar scooter park and an example of Taipei park “artistry”…ducks on sticks and a flower clock!