Well, that was an upbeat start wasn’t it?! Actually, even though the time commitment is pretty big this weekend, Cassy quite likes her ongoing job of being in charge of the makeup for the middle school play each year. The show it self (this year, “Do Wop Red Riding Hood”) is always bigger than Ben Hur, and the cast get all twitapated, the crew vastly overestimate the importance of the gig, and the supporting faculty spend a lot of time dealing with mildly hysterical, precocious “stars”. The gang who help Cass is a good one she finds, trained well by her to just get on with their job with a minimum of fuss. She even had one boy this year, who she suspects was actually very keen to stay near a few of the girls, rather than an inclination towards the finer points of makeup for himself.
Friday night, Saturday night and a matinee today took most of the weekend, and in between times, Cassy “enjoyed” doing all sorts of cooking and other deadly dull domestic chores (in my view). It sounds really bad, and believe me I do offer to do these things, but she is adamant that it is therapeutic and she likes it, finding it especially distracting on a heavy weekend like this. I took the opportunity to go up to the local eatery on Saturday night and order some local food. Cass is not a really big fan of this fairly basic fare, but I quite like it every now and then and it gives me a chance to practice a bit more Chinese, which I’ve been slack on lately. I turn up to lessons but don’t seem to find much time to put any talk into practice, so I’m stagnating a bit. Anyway, the fried rice with shrimp was tasty, but the oysters in garlic were a bit way out and had some kind of stinking element to the sauce that made it virtually inedible.
While Cass was out at the matinee today, I whipped across to the big yellow 3C shop nearby and bought a new external hard drive. My current one which has served me well for a few years won’t stay on and decided to “die” at very inappropriate times. The old one was 150 GB, but the new one is one TB (terabyte) and I had to ask the shopkeeper what that meant. I think 1000 GB should keep me in external storage heaven for a while, don’t you? It is quite tiny physically and was remarkably cheap….quite amazing. I picked up a little extra flash drive for some work stuff and then I whizzed down to the Philippines market way down on Chung Shan past the art museum. I picked up heaps of bottles of shampoo/conditioner that we just couldn’t find anywhere else: not quite everything is ubiquitously available yet! On the way home, I stopped to take a shot of the very nearly completed new Sogo department store down near the main bank branch near Wendel’s. It’s a massive glass and steel behemoth that will soon be attracting a whole army of shoppers to our own local area. We’re hoping it will have all sorts of cool places to eat and browse, but like everyone else, we’ll just have to wait and see.
Certainly a busy weekend for some, but not for me. I think my heart rate got to its highest point when the Knights were defending their narrow lead against a fast finishing Tigers this afternoon (they lost). Photos: Street selling outside the Phillipines market, Cass in her Do Wop shirt talking to C&V on the phone from the outback, the big glass front of Sogo, scooter intersection on the way home and one big storage solution!