I went up to explore some different steps in the afternoon, before catching up with Cass briefly as we went off in different directions for the evening. Cass was going to meet up with Paige, Daisy, Cody and Jade at the train station so they could travel to the concert together and I had an appointment to meet up at Sean’s house to watch the first of the many AFL finals to come this month. As Cassy’s entry lines snaked their way into the stadium I was re-meeting Sean’s dad, who is over here for a week or so. We had a good time watching the AFL and a bit of the NRL after, but Cassy had the best time. Like any good Avril concert goer, she smuggled in some beers (we thought it was accepted practice here, but apparently others were having alcohol confiscated) and the friends enjoyed the build up to the concert from their seats perched high up in the stands, ready for another downpour. It was the same stadium where we had watched Elton John with Ross and Ains years ago, the planes still dropping out of the sky overhead on their approach to the local airport. Avril was quite the spectacular performing little bunny, cute as you like and talented to boot: playing three different instruments and pumping out some immense sounds from her tiny frame. They all had a great time, enjoying the concert and the passing parade, finishing off with a cleansing ale at Alleycats before making their way home.
I was due to make the trek up the hill to Jerry’s section 7 house at midday on Saturday. He always hosts a Collingwood semi (if they make it) and this was quite an extravaganza. I would have gone anyway, but my other duty was to hand over the “winner’s cheque” to the new tipping competition winner, Angela, at half time. In my speech, I noted that the horror of a NRL, league supporting breeze-in from NSW had this year been surpassed by a woman from Queensland taking out the big prize. The only worse scenario was if an American wins, so I pointed out that all the AFL boys should be especially wary of Brandon next year! I resisted the temptation of a beer during the football so I could brave the heat in the early evening and go for a steps climb. I got half way up the 1000 steps, then went searching for the link road to the other set of steps I’d climbed half of on Friday afternoon. I did so, then, even though very foot weary, I was determined to see where they ended up. I ended up climbing from the bus circle all the way up to beyond the cultural college! I trekked about a kilometre down the steep winding road before once again linking up with the very top of the 1000 steps before going back down. Now wonder we slept in till 9 o’clock this morning: I didn’t even stir!
We had a great lazy day today to recover from our various exertions. A late brekky accompanied by Herald clippings, still being sent across often by Mum (thanks Mum!) was just the tonic to start, and then I watched a bit of footy on telly while Cass attended to some of her first big hit of grading for the year. She has been working on a great slab off and on all weekend and continues to do so as I tap out this missive. We ate a mid-afternoon “high tea” at a beautiful new restaurant up at Tienmu East Rd after picking up our booked cinema tickets. It was at a place called “Neverland”, linen serviettes, classy crockery and silver service. The tiny savouries and cakes and biscuits were absolutely scrumptious and the coffee strong and delicious. It was a little slice of decadence for Sunday afternoon, before we went to see the absolutely superb film, “In Bruges”. We don’t often unreservedly recommend a film, but we both do in this case. It might be old or new (Taipei has some strange screening habits: sometimes we have world premieres, while at other times, films can be six months old), but if it’s around, “do yourself a favour” and all that…brilliant!
Photos: the girls at Avril Lavigne, Avril pumping it out, Cassy and Mary, we two before going out on Saturday night (Oh, I forgot to mention that: we ate out at a Takashimaya 12th floor Italian restaurant and had the most amazing gelato for dessert), and Cassy at Neverland.