Monday, May 27, 2019

Time's winding down very quickly! Just a short one today and next week we'll be winging it back to Australia for  couple of months and there will be the sound of chirping crickets all over this blog! I have an annual hiatus: it recharges me to go for it in the following academic year come mid-August.

We've got a very old Honda Accord here in Taiwan and it is the exact same model and colour as the one featured with Jesus above....I couldn't resist putting it in. The academic year melting away means there are a lot of farewells: I run the Orphanage Club every Wednesday afternoon after school and the girls got some certificates, although only a couple turned up.

Grading nearly 100 items each time does my head in at times although it's water off a duck's back to the old hand, Cass. I've despaired about my eyesight this year on several occasions, but Cass says some of the samples I receive, (this one is mild by comparison) she couldn't read even with the aid of glasses....makes me feel a little better!

When the birds nest under the awnings and subsequently feed their new-born chicks we know that school is coming to an end. Similarly, the aggressive Taiwan blue magpies have nested in our local park for the tird year running and they've taken a keen dislike to my semi-bald head it seems. I have to run the gauntlet through their park with my bag protecting my head twice a day! The only calm bird life seems to be the "Moop": can you spot him camouflaged against the tree roots?

Next, our much loved "Sovital Toast" is ending its run at Wendel's, much to our horror. When we come back it will be discontinued and we're crossing our fingers that the substitute will be edible: we searched for years for a bread we could regularly eat over here....hopefully we'll find some alternative when we get back. Cass holds up our last three loaves.

We both had favourite classes this year. Cass got one of the kids in her small class to get a shot....every single one of them is a sheer delight and bounce in and out of the class every day with a smile and good cheer, eager to learn and improve. These kids are incredible: our gig is almost too good to be true!

See you in mid-August!