Tuesday, August 14, 2018

We're back! My apologies to readers who were expecting an update last week: it should have come, but my enervated frame and mind couldn't quite cope with tapping out a little memoir of times past back in the land of sunshine and honey! Now, with a little perspective, yet not much time, I'll make a belated attempt to get ourselves up-to-date.

In a nutshell, the trip back home for northern hemisphere "summer" was cut of quite different cloth than the usual tapestry of events that often occur at this time of year in Newcastle's most unseasonably mild mid-winter. The threads were already coming loose before we arrived as I'd been straining against un-diagnosed and debilitating shoulder injuries for quite some time before we arrived back. I'd been to various "shoulder whisperers" here in Taipei, and while competent practitioners of their particular crafts, they couldn't quite nail down the underlying cause. Treating the symptoms gave temporary relief, but that was all.

The amazing GP Adam F. put me in touch with shoulder guru, Dr Steven K. by calling in a favour and getting me in that day. To cut a long piece of cloth into a manageable off-cut, he diagnosed me with not one, but two, frozen shoulders and intervened with cortisone injections, physical therapy and a regimen of on-going stretches "to the point of pain"! The time back home was interspersed with visits to doctors, clinics and physiotherapists, and both motorbike riding and surfing were too painful during these two months.

We did, however, fill up our days with the adage that more than one job or outing per day was definitely overdoing it! By the time we'd slept in, retrieved and read the paper over a tasty brekkie with machine brewed coffee and prepared ourselves to face the outside world, it was usually mid-morning and time for our walk. The default route was along the Bather's Way to Dixon Park, along to Bar Beach then up the steps of the Anzac Memorial Walk. We usually did the turn-around at Sheperd's Hill fort, but occasionally went further afield to the Bogey Hole, or even Newcastle. This six kilometre return walk up nice big hills kept us fit and active and less resistant to indulge in various Australian treats as they were offered or available!

A five day stint in sunny Mooloolaba and the hinterland of the Sunshine Coast was enjoyed with Ross and Ainslie as we enjoyed our annual get-together. Unfortunately, Newcastle doesn't have direct flights to Maroochydore, so we flew in and out of Sydney. They had hired a car so we able to zip around and away from the coast. We did plenty of bush-walking and sight-seeing, as well as plenty of catching up and red wine drinking!

Jen's and Mum's birthdays are always on when we're home so we were lucky to celebrate with them on the big days. Cass met up with her friends from Grammar a few times and I caught up with Caes and Stoney as well as a bigger group of the "old guys" over the fire pit. I also met up with Mark in one of many sojourns across to Surf House, and we had countless catch-ups and meals with our beloved parents on both sides of the family. Helen was struck down with a lurgy during the two big family events so doesn't feature in any of the photos above, but Neil and Lucy represented the family, and we caught up "in the shed" at East Maitland a couple of times as well!

We managed a day trip into the depths of the Hunter Valley on the bike, but apart from a couple of other short trips, the shoulders buzzing and aching, the bike wasn't called into action. The winter temps were so mild and the ocean so inviting that the siren call of the sea did lure me in for some body surfs on 4 or 5 occasions. I should really say body floats: there are fewer better sensations in the world than floating on your back in a calm cool ocean gazing at the clouds jostling above while listening to waves gently moving against the sea floor.....and all by myself as well!

I need to hold that thought to avoid being overwhelmed by a very hectic start to the year. I've got 104 kids' names to remember apart from anything else! Cassy is being super helpful and supportive and she assures me that things do get easier...!

Link to album....here