Monday, May 14, 2018
It's difficult to fathom, but somehow the middle school play is here again and that, of course, means that the academic year at school is drawing to a close. It seems like only yesterday that I was full of trepidation waiting to teach my first middle school class for 15 years or, I can't wait to wave goodbye to them all. It's been a pleasant year and actually quite re-invigorating professionally, especially with my leader in English being so cute and amenable! However, I still do enjoy a holiday, especially after a hectic, challenging year.
As you can guess from some of the photos above, I've been a middle school play widower this weekend as Cass has overseen her efficient make-up crew for the Friday and Saturday night performances as well as the Sunday matinee. The cast and crew are all invited to the big after party, but Cass usually demurs: she feels she's done enough mixing with the masses over the weekend and prefers to get a few hours to herself before the juggernaut starts up again on Monday.
Cass has assembled a quirky and eclectic crew again this year comprising members from all the grades: why does the makeup crew attract these "interesting" characters?! It's no problem for her of course: she runs the gig in a slick manner and doesn't tolerate the excesses of the cast "prima donnas", nor tolerates her girls giving in to them either. I think all concerned get the message fairly quickly, even from the planning meetings, that this will be a no nonsense operation!
A great friend and colleague of mine, Greg, had his retirement party on Friday afternoon which I attended and had a good time. In fact, apart from fare-welling Greg, it also gave me the chance to catch up with a few other friends, particularly from the elementary school, as I haven't often crossed the breezeway between A and B blocks this year. He's a great guy and I'm happy for him: he's one of those teachers who I'm sure the admin didn't rate in their "A team" but as usual, they got it all wrong as he was among the very best I worked with in all my time down there. The kids loved and respected him and actually went the extra yard partly because of him....he inspired them to learn. As far as I'm concerned, that makes a winner of a teacher! They've lost a good'un.
The other sign that summer holidays are around the corner is the proliferation of nesting birds under the awnings along Chung Shan North Road that we spy to and from school on our daily walking commute. They're always delightful, and the choir of chirping as well as the flitting back and forth with bellies full of food for fledglings is lovely and therapeutic. What is not so gentle to the soul are the daily attacks I've endured from my "friend", the local nesting blue magpie. This vicious creature continues to find ever more creative ways to swoop on my head and scare the daylights out of me. Although we walk together, Cass has been spared thus far: he seems quite determined to ward off my specific threat! Latterly, the local authorities have even stepped in with warning signs (see photo above), but as I usually have neither an umbrella nor a sturdy hat, I make do with covering my head with my bag!
The after school social activities are lining up, the in-school professional responsibility list is getting ever longer and our duties to get the house and fragile cats ready for a long, hot summer are mounting, so we're anticipating a busy few weeks to come. Cass will be relieved that the play is over, but she'll be ready to steel herself for all that is yet to come! Photos: Taiwan scooter style, plump chicks nesting on a speaker, blue magpie warning and shots from pre-play: pep talks for the cast and us in the "junk room" that Cassy somehow transforms into a back stage makeup parlour.
P.S. Thanks for reading and appreciating, K.P. !