Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Is there any soundtrack harder to erase from one's mind than that of the stage-play, "Oliver"? I'm shouting, "No!"
There's a little ditty They're singing in the city Espeshly when they've been On the gin Or the beer
See what I mean? Try to get that out of your head in a hurry! The trouble was, in fact, quite possibly the genesis of all the mind soundtracks, were precisely because Cass couldn't get on the gin or the beer all week long and all weekend as the makeup artisan par excellence was once again pressed into service for the annual middle school production.
Food, glorious food! Hot sausage and mustard! While we're in the mood, Cold jelly and custard!
Pease pudding and saveloys, What next is the question? Rich gentlemen have it boys,
Despite the thespian's face artist(!) being banished to her backstage makeup room for hours on end this week, we still managed to feast on hot sausage and mustard (or at least I did!) We got some takeaway fare a few times during the period, but remarkably, Cass insisted on keeping up the cooking routine, partly I suspect because of just that: routine. She finds it quite comforting when she has the time to just potter around the kitchen and prepare the food for the coming few days.
Consider yourself at home. Consider yourself one of the family. We've taken to you so strong.
It's clear we're going to get along.
We had communication with both strands of the family at different points on the weekend and during the week as Mother's Day was celebrated. We'd sent some floral tributes to Valerie and Denise and were relieved to find that both sets arrived without any drama and were well received. It was great to have a chat with the mums and Denise had just enjoyed a super lunch prepared by her daughters and son-in-law which was a real treat as they set it all up at home for her, negating the need for an adventure further afield.
Who will buy my sweet red roses? Two blooms for a penny. Who will buy my sweet red roses?
Two blooms for a penny.
Cass was given her sweet red rose after the Saturday performance, but whether the makeup crew had left theirs behind deliberately or there were just extra left over we don't know. Regardless, Cassy arrived home with a bountiful bunch of red roses for narry a penny as she scooped up all that remained and saved them from a withering fate overnight. She felt like quite the prima donna!
Hang ev'rything! We'd risk life and limb To keep you in the swim Yes, we'd do anything...
Anything?!.......Anything for you.
It was far from this dramatic, but I finally found some time to go and spot some gold on my new gig next year. Current teacher, Lisa, was kind enough to let me sit in on her classes this week. She gave me a good outline of what she currently does with her EAL classes on Grade 8 and Grade 7 then I watched them in action and took part in a couple of activities. It was great to see the theory in practice and start to get a better idea about my new gig. She showered me with lots of extra novels and texts and URLs for programs so I'm going to have a lot of reading and preparation in the next couple of months!
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two You've got to pick-a-pocket or two, boys,
You've got to pick-a-pocket or two.
I still feel slightly violated myself after being informed I will lose my underground carpark next school year, starting in August. I've been robbed! No, seriously, the fact of the matter is that we've been getting away with our own petty crime for a good decade or more. The system of school parking is meant to be for commuters who commute at least 4 days a week between home and school. We only occasionally use the car on one day of the weekend, so it is taking a valuable park from genuine commuters, many of whom have been on a lengthy waiting list for years. So, fair cop! Trouble is of course, that car parking is at a premium in this glitzy, leafy suburb and the price is correspondingly high. Nonetheless, I think I've found a spot which is pretty cheap, a few blocks away from home: is $2,000 a year cheap? Apparently for here, it is!
One boy, Boy for sale. He's going cheap. Only seven guineas.That -- or thereabouts.
Not a boy, but two surfboards. Not for sale, but free. The surfboards are a fallout from the loss of the parking as they were stacked behind the car. I offered them on the school exchange this week and it looks like they're already snapped up. I'll keep a couple of favourites, but unfortunately these must go!
Photos: boards, construction and makeup!
Now finally, just to be really extremely annoying, cop this!......
Oom-pah-pah! Oom-pah-pah! That's how it goes, Oom-pah-pah! Oom-pah-pah! Ev'ryone knows.
They all suppose what they want to suppose...When they hear...oom-pah-pah!!