Tuesday, March 31, 2015
I experienced yet another of those glorious Taiwan moments today. After setting aside the morning in spring break to get some stuff done with the car, I ambled through the neighbourhood towards school with the intent of paying my road tax as well as getting the car hauled over the pits for its bi-annual inspection
The tax payment was just a formality at the local 7/11, before I got the car out of the school's basement carpark to drive over to Beitou. There's a brace of car check points in a backstreet over there, with little baton wielding men inviting the driver in to their checking station. It relieves the huge Taipei Motor checking department a little if they can farm out some of the work to these independent stations. They always greet me with a huge smile and then take the car through its paces, testing all sorts of standards, including emissions tests and brake tests. At the end, the guy told me the car had passed but that both handbrake and rear brakes were borderline and probably wouldn't pass in six months time if left unchecked. Thanking him, I drove straight back across town to my regular mechanic and told him the news.
He got the car straight in and onto the hoist, sat me down with a cup of green tea and got to work. After about 15 minutes, I heard the pop and whine of the hoist disengaging and he drove the car around the front again for me to depart. When I asked how much it would be, he waved me away! I protested strongly and tried to force some money on him, but he insisted that it was "their fault" as he hadn't thought to check the brakes last time I was in to get a lock changed. I was left flabbergasted yet again at the incredible generous spirit that Taiwanese people exhibit almost without exception. I got a haircut later and told this wondrous story to Bessy, and she said that this was exactly what should have happened and she'd be disappointed with anything less....amazing!
We had a rollicking great time spending the vast part of the day and into the early evening at Patio 84 to watch the Aussies win the World Cup cricket final on Sunday. Three of us dragged out and dusted off our replica 70s era uniforms for the day and although the Kiwi contingent were a little chagrined at their countrymen and their timid collapse, the day was terrific fun all round. I had a very quiet Monday after all that!
I'm not a massive fan of the bachelor life I've re-discovered, and can't wait for Cass to get home from her trip already. Luckily the weather has been spectacular, so I've distracted myself with that, a few little jobs and looking after the cats who continue to steadfastly ignore my entreaties and spend the vast majority of their time in bed watching me warily....the little buggers!
I'm going to head up the mountain tomorrow afternoon with Wal and do a little bit of gentlemen farming on his bonsai plot. The forecast is for roasting temps once again, so we're going to head up mid-afternoon to avoid the worst of the heat. I'm going to take my prized John Lennon signature to the framers in the morning to be teamed with the single of "Imagine" that I stumbled across (actually Cass spied it!) in a vinyl record bin in Brick Lane, London. I'm hoping it will turn out really well, with the famous Apple logo in the centre of the iconic record setting off the great man's moniker.
Photos: I've been eating out a bit, one spectacular seat I had looking out over the suburb to the mountains beyond with my ramen and gyoza. Shots of the festivities and our local sakura tree just keeps getting blooming better!