Monday, February 16, 2015
OK, so this is an unusual position for me to be in writing the blog. We're on holidays! Normally, I'll take a breather in a break, but thought I could get a few words down, especially as my darling has once again succumbed to sickness and is snoozing in bed with two hot, brown furballs!
Chinese New Year break descended quickly on us last Friday afternoon after a hectic week at school. We were both feeling unusually exhausted and I'd managed to get myself infected with a minor cold. Unusually for me, as I can't remember the last time I was sick, I was determined to shake it off and not let it spoil the week ahead. Cass was really looking forward to her book club meeting on Friday night but, boom, all of a sudden, she started to feel terribly achy and weak, to the extent that she barely got through her last classes in the afternoon and had to pull the pin on book club.
Meanwhile I was ensconced with Wal, Shaun and Rock down at Uli's, but quickly arranged to ferry Cass to the doctor's when he opened again at 7 p.m. In the end, he diagnosed her with a flash "flu-like" virus and got her on an electrolyte drip for an hour and a half. After we got back home and she was bundled off to bed, we had high hopes for a quick recovery.
On Saturday, it seemed Cass had a kind of miracle recovery and although still tired and weak, she felt a little better. I decided to be very Chinese and do a clean up for Chinese New Year and proceeded to do a massive cull of my wardrobe, the evidence of which can be seen in a photo above. Many huge bags of old t-shirts, pants, jeans, shirts, jumpers and jackets were subsequently deposited in the charity bin just up the road. Cass was similarly inspired and did a boutique thinning of her own, including 14 empty bottles of perfume adorning her underwear draw! Afterwards, with Cass still feeling OK, we took advantage of the sunshine to scooter over to Aubergine at Neihu, where we had our usual curry sets.
It was, of course, a real false dawn. Cass felt nauseous after the meal and just wanted to get home to bed, where she has stayed pretty much for the last 24 hours, except to go and visit the "old idiot" again, who has now changed his diagnosis to a UTI, after Cass suggested it to him. Tests confirmed the diagnosis, so at least now, albeit belatedly, she is on the correct medication.
I went out and about a little this afternoon and ditched the scooter for a long walk in the perfect temperatures over to the big B&Q hardware store near the night market to try and source a stick-on shelf for our shower recess as the "shower caddy" we have there is all rusted and unsightly. I got something that I hope will work, fingers crossed. I think I'll go for a further wander in the night market tonight as well as source some food for dinner as Cass said she'd be pretty much incommunicado for the foreseeable few hours. Let's hope she starts to feel a little better soon!
Photos: CNY inspired. Kids from local schools entertained us on Friday, a Harley lolled in front of me at the traffic lights the other day, "Holy" crepes(!), the moop, tongue lashing temple favourite oversize puppets, a gift bag, some of my girls dressed up for CNY and the big cull!
P.S. I've had to update our cover photo yet again, after just a few months, as the Metro map quickly becomes outdated these days. This map now includes the new green line which I alluded to a few weeks back when we ate at Ruth's Chris.