We did spot a break in the weather on Saturday and made a beeline to the always enjoyable Pizza Oggi. This pizzeria is accredited by the Italian council of Pizzerias and has mouth-watering authentic Napolese style pizzas made with quality, fresh ingredients. Our favourite Maya Pizza is the poor man's version of this outstanding establishment. Cass got her favourite fresh tomato and cheese with anchovies while I had the frutti de mare.
On Sunday, the weather was even worse, but we had accepted an invitation to a retirement lunch for my long time colleague, Lynn, who is leaving next week to return to Canada. I was mildly irritated to be asked to give one of three speeches, as my introversion tends to rack up my nervous tension to unbearable levels in the couple of days before I give it. I relented as it was an honour to be asked and I didn't want to disappoint. As it was, I gave the worst speech I've ever given, going blank midway through, having an uncomfortably long pregnant pause, then babbling some incoherent rubbish to end the second part of the speech. I forgot a quote from Socrates that I wanted to put in and I didn't follow my own advice: always take some notes, just in case of this very event! I was flummoxed!
Chamkar restaurant served up some delectable vegetarian fare and Cass enjoyed the whole affair very much despite getting soaked on the scooter on the way across. The company was just a select bunch of Lynn's friends and we really did feel quite honoured to be there. She is a remarkable woman and it is no exaggeration to say that I cannot think of a country she hasn't traveled to: places like Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, the Sudan, Mogadishu and various other spots not necessarily on the tourist trail included. Her stories are stuff of legend and she was a professional who has forgotten more stuff than most of my colleagues in the current department have ever learned. A real gem and I'll miss her.
Home to catch the best grand final I've seen in decades (apart for the Knights win in 2001 and 1997 of course!). What a showpiece for rugby league. Brutal yet fair play from start to finish, dazzling levels of skill and the best team all year came out on top on the day.....my old team: I remember wearing my old Easts jumper to football training until it fell apart .
"The girls" have taken to lying on top of each other in Eugene's old basket, a basket purpose built for just one cat. We've nicknamed this spilling over the boat as "Captain Pugwash" style and you can see their version of the cartoon as well as the original above. Also included in the photos are a shot of the fully functioning school post office with it's individual boxes (we're number 12), and a photo of a creepy, black "Hello Kitty" I spotted in one of the school hallways. A Taiwan rice promo, Cassy at the authentic Pizzeria Oggi and one of my exasperated colleagues filming kids' oral presentations!
Another poem has been added over on 詩. Check it out here.
Stop Press: Cassy walked to school this morning.....!