Monday, February 04, 2013

A pungent punch from putrid drains, cooking oil, hot fat and perhaps even a waft of rats' nests. This was a uniquely Taipei bouquet that used to greet us quite often when passing various alleys and byways in our adopted city, but it's been such a long time since we've experienced same that it was a little jolt from the past when we inhaled that forgotten perfume on the weekend!

Near the exciting and vibrant Shida university and night-market district lie many of the aforementioned tunnel-like alleys, each exuding a polarity of moods, enticing you in with thoughts of magical finds, quirky, cheap products or interesting food but at the same time repelling you with repugnant smells and filthy setups. In the shadow of the curiously by-lined Oldie Goodie nightclub (really, "It is your life of darkness"?!) and beside the Taiwanese potsticker stands and dumpling halls full of formica tabletops and supermarket bought chairs, there are lots of these entrance ways: we hurried past them not feeling at all adventurous this time!

This hub-bub of activity takes place at the top of the stairs from exit 3 of the MRT's Taipower station in downtown Shida district, about a 25 minute journey from our place in Tienmu. We were on our way to one of our long-time favourite places to eat, the cleverly named "KGB", nestled in a tiny lane just off the bustle of Shida Road. We ordered our favourite burgers, Cass with the lentil patty, me with beef, but both oozing Antipodean flair and flavour with pickles, egg, pineapple and beetroot. The Yanks just don't get it.....where's the beetroot??!! We had all the options in the set with soups to start and brownies to finish and felt filled to bursting point before we dropped down into the bowels of the city again, avoided the local "special odours" up top, and made our way home via the incongruously spotless train system.

We had a super quiet weekend this time: maybe our recent exertions are catching up with us a bit. It was exciting for us to welcome back the Insiders/Offsiders teams from the ABC on our own Australia Network on Sunday. Although the internet allows us some pretty extensive and constant connectivity with Australian and even Newcastle news these days, it's shows like these that are great to tune into to get an analysis of that news by some respected journalists. Shows like "Q&A" which is also starting back up, play a similar role for us in keeping our finger ever so gently on the Australian pulse.

Video: Check the boys from Grade 4 in their new fad here or up top! Photos: check the star!, Erdinger, art and cats as well as a shot of "the life of darkness"....ohh!