Tuesday, December 04, 2012
To any readers out there, my apologies. This blog is rather late and will be more than mildly hobbled by my continuing malaise. I woke up on Saturday morning with that dreaded feeling that I'd been weakened by some bug or other, as yet indeterminate. I'm always the opitimist, so insist for a day or two, that it's "just a cold", but when the body and bone aches begin, the chest gets heavy and the general fatigue makes it hard to keep your eyes open, I usually admit I've been flu-struck. It's not a version of man-flu either: in fact, if I do (rarely) catch anything, I tend to go the whole hog, bypass the cold and head straight to virulent flu land. Anyway, that's my excuse for tardiness, and I'm sticking with it!
Cass has undertaken her usual round of sterilizing anything that I touch or even waft past or look at! It's actually a great technique, because we rarely catch anything that the other has come down with. We both relinquished the chance to get a flu shot again this year, as is our practice, but I might re-consider next year. It's just so rare that one of us gets sick, that it always takes us by surprise and we live in denial for a day or two. We think it must be the antibodies built up over decades of charming kiddies hacking, coughing and spraying rank particles all over us; sometimes, my little charmers give me a full face shot!
We stayed in most of the weekend after both having a full and interesting Friday night with our respective book clubs. The "girls" went to a new vegetarian place in the general neighbourhood and rated it extremely highly, including the nectarous Chilean Shiraz which was consumed with gusto in some quantity! Each course as described by Cass sounded quite delicious: what's wrong with me, have I turned? They discussed their reading material and caught up with all the latest happenings. It's contract time at the moment, so there is plenty of "movement" and intrigue surrounding just who will go or stay. I heard that our old mate from TAS, Coomba, will move from associate principal at Hong Kong to the MS principal's job at The Hague....pretty cool!
My lot traveled down (eventually) to the "Roxy Rocker" to soak up the atmospheric guitar rock of a local group of ex-pats. They were smooth and professional and could play some serious guitar riffs. After that, we retired out the back to spin some of the Rocker's famous vinyl, records lining every wall, floor to ceiling, for punters to browse, select and listen.
With my dread kicking in on Saturday morning we had a very low key weekend, but Cass walked all over the neighbourhood lugging product, first to Wellcome for the shopping, then Carrefour, then Wendel's and finally over to Part Time Su to get some vege pizzas for tea. I was eternally grateful as I don't think I could have even dragged myself onto the scooter on Saturday.
Photos: suited up with a perplexed Virgil ready to go to a parent presentation last night, a crazy class shot of my fifth graders, moon rise over Tienmu, and a taxi driver with every gadget known to man on board: I don't know how he kept his eyes on the road!! As I had a dearth of shots this week, I stole one from the Rocker's site, showing the famous "back room".