Tuesday, October 23, 2012
I've gone a bit mental in the last week. Suffice to say that my latent desires for all new tech toys has "like, way broken out!" and I now own a 64 gb iPad 3, a new Apple TV and the Samsung Galaxy SIII 32 gb with an extra 32 gb storage...don't ask me what I think I'm going to store on them all!!
I didn't go total Apple because I've come to love my Android HTC and was keen to upgrade on the same platform. The phone is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen and I'm slowly learning how to drive it. The tech guys at school were drooling all over it and one of them had been to an IT professional day last week where the presenter just used the Galaxy to run his whole multi-media presentation....wild!
The iPad is similarly jaw dropping. The new retina display has an intoxicating, vivid screen resolution that is almost beyond comprehension. Coupled with the Apple TV, I can mirror the screen of the iPad onto the new HD TV as well. I'm about to embark on some ISP hiding via VPN, so that we can access HD TV shows from the U.S. via wireless streaming. On the Apple TV, we can directly buy TV and movies from the Australian iTunes store as well.
The iPad is partly to be used as a teaching tool for my little kiddies, so we'll be well served there as Cass and I both have been given the latest and greatest Lenovo tablets to use at work. Along with our stand-alone computer at home as well as an iPod touch and two cameras, we are awash with electronic tools and toys.
My life has been dominated by new toys and getting them set-up and played with. This is partly why this blog is being posted so late, compounded by the fact that we've had to write interim quarterly reports for the kids this week as well.
We did sneak out on the weekend to yet anothet trendy Italian cafe, this time right in our own 'hood, just opened up in the fancy building behind the new SOGO department building. It was all vegatarian and super slick. Once again, we could have been in Italy. The city is really starting to grow some cosmopolitan and avant garde restaurants. MiaCucina had tasty food and a really cool vibe: we'll be back.
Uniqlo, the Japanese super store for all that is both trendy but at the same time very bargainous, was our next stop. Cass and I both bought some super fine Merino jumpers, me with two cardigans (sounds very daggy, but somehow they're not) and she with one crew neck jumper. I also got a fine corduroy shirt, much like the one I had when we first met!
I took a little video on the new phone and uploaded to Youtube of Cass at Miacucina, but you'll just have to take my word for it: it appears to have been lost in cyberspace, so more lessons are needed for me! I should be recovering from my "tech shock" by next week, and promise to be less obsessed.
Oh, by the way, we're off to Poland, Hungary and Germany for Christmas....more soon! Check the video