As you know, I broke a rib and tore up lots of rib cartilage more than 6 weeks ago, but despite doctor's best advice and my own layman style researching on the internet, my ribs are yet to heal after this benchmark period. The problem is that most nights I manage to re-injure them in an unconscious state of sleep. I have a very weird sleeping default position which involves me lying spreadeagled on my stomach,with my arms under my pillow! This bizarre sleeping position has never been a problem before (except perhaps for Cassy having to view it, but I'm sure she's come to terms with it by now!), but now, when I wake, I realise I've once again done the very worst thing for my healing ribs, by stretching overhead. Despite my best attempts at change, I invariably wake myself up in pain at some stage of the night to register the fact that, once again, I've reverted to type in the night: frustrating! Added to my woes was my stupidity in challenging the increasingly muscle bound Cass to an arm wrestle the other morning on my "good" side. 99 times out of 100, she just weakly submits to my stupid challenges, but this time, she suddenly grabbed my arm with two hands and reefed it back towards her. I've now got strained shoulder ligaments to go with the ribs....serves me right doesn't it!!
The sun peaked out from behind a drape of mist at times over the weekend, yet not enough to negate a very strange and unusual phenomenon from occurring. Dense fog was forecast for the 48 hours of the weekend, but it brought with it an extremely unwelcome side effect of heavy humidity. Our marble and tile floors were slick with moisture all weekend and everywhere we walked and everything we touched was damp and sticky. We needed to tip-toe around to avoid sliding all over, and each attempt to dry the slick lasted only ten minutes or so before the water returned. It was so bad we even started to look for water leaks at one stage! Mercifully, the worst appears to be over: floors were less sticky this morning and things are reverting to normal conditions. I hate to think what it did to our paintings and clothes....those "closet camels" would have been working overtime.
We had very unhealthy, but extremely delicious food treats on the weekend, with Maya wood fired pizzas on Saturday night and Chili's fare for a mid afternoon feast on Sunday. I even went so far as to eat my horded pack of chicken Twisties for tea later! (sent from Singapore by Lewy with another mate, Dave M). I reckon we can afford it every now and then: I think Asia has been good for us on the healthy eating frontline as well as the fact that we seem to have modified our body sizes to fit in with our hosts over the years. Cassy took another great armful of clothing round to "her lady" to get altered the other day: she has now had almost her entire wardrobe taken in, as the "lady" seems to be some kind of uber seamstress who can alter anything....she's even giving a swimming costume a go at the moment in preparation for our trip to Thailand.
We got over to Miramar to watch a movie, The Grey, and we were pretty impressed. Cass was less keen than I, partly owing to the graphic plane crash and subsequent stalking of the human survivors by a pack of wolves, but it was a cut above the usual offering in the wilderness, macho-survive against the odds genre.
I had parent conferences through the week and Cassy persuaded me to leave my flowing locks on for them. Subsequently I got a hair cut: before and after shots can be seen above. Also, Chili's window seat, Gurecki toasting the sunset on Friday afternoon (a few "boys" came to visit while Cass was down at Joe's inspecting and modifying the prototype for her new earrings), cats dozing, Cassy winning a plush squirrel and a watermelon bonanza down at the Shi Dong!