Sunday, January 09, 2011

I finally just decided to record Cassy's ad from the TV, so it's a very rough copy. The camera decided to adjust and re-adjust for various light bursts, but you can get a vague idea of what it is all about. If we ever hear about a better version, I'll get that up here straight away.

The reason I was particularly motivated to post it up this week was because I was reminded again last night that it is on high rotation. We made a late decision to cruise over the Dazhi and the Miramar cinema and big department store complex. It was kind of cold and dreary, so we decided to be all civilized, ditch the rattling scooter and take the car. I had ordered the tickets online, which was a good thing as the cinema ended up being quite packed when we eventually got in. For our edification as we lined up to purchase tickets, some fancy underwear model was extolling the virtues of her latest range, to the great concentration of a large number of male voyeurs! Eventually up to the cinema and settled in seats, the stragglers came in just as the shorts started up. After a few, they started playing a couple of ads, and Cassy's ad came on: it was quite strange sitting in the dark and watching my cinema partner on the huge screen in front of us....good fun!

Afterwards, we ate at the remarkably cheap Sazeriaya (sic?). Somehow, although ordering every option available and the dearest main courses, we thought they’d made a mistake when we were presented with a bill for the princely sum of about $15…weird! We wandered around for a while, Cassy keen to source some slim fitting black jeans to go under the new red “cowboy” boots she just bought in France. No such luck, but I got some instead! It was great to wander around this complex on a Saturday night: there doesn’t seem to be much hint of an economic downturn here: the malls and shops are bustling and overflowing and the slightly colder temperatures has everyone swathed in scarves and jackets looking a little like their European cousins at this time of year (Cass says, “not so much….”!)

Cas joined me and the boys for a beer down at Uli’s on Friday night before that as we all debriefed our trips. Cass spoke of the new wonders she saw in Nantes and Bordeaux,Gurecki had some great adventures in Japan, Wal in Thailand, Dave M in Thai outlying islands and of course, I filled them in on my trip to India. We had a lot to talk about….

Today, we tried again to get the elusive black jeans so went over to Takashimaya. After what seemed to be an excessive amount of trying on of different styles and fabrics, after a very long time, said pants were purchased! Wait for 30 minutes so they could be taken up? Sure we could. Down to B1 to get a few supplies from Jason’s supermarket, have some late lunch from the Wendel’s outlet and back up to collect. The walk to and from was pleasant in the cooling afternoon, the light fading early and a wind just picking at Cassy’s unruly long locks (!). She’d meant to get a haircut, but Bessie was out for the day.

Cassy seems to have slowly recovered from her week long bout of jet lag, so finally got a good night’s sleep last night. We’re reading some good stuff at the moment. I’ve just started the iconic Michael Connelly’s latest Bosch/Haller novel, The Reversal, while Cass is just starting Lionel Shriver’s latest, So Much For That. India slide show can be seen at Taipei Life on Slide (link above right) and all the short videos from India can be seen at Taipei Life on Youtube (link also above right)