Virg’n Mary needed their annual shots this week. We dread it at the best of times as they go totally feral and bite and hiss and claw their way from house to carrier to car to vet and all the way back again. The trauma was amplified this year as they needed a teeth clean for some signs of gingivitis, so anaesthetic and an overnight stay was necessary.
We got them there somehow in a suitably military style ambush operation on Friday morning, taking the car from work during our lunch break. They were predictably horrified at the whole adventure and the vets seemed equally bemused at the ferocity of their reactions: they probably think, “What do these foreigners do to these cats to make them so terrified?!”
Anyway, Cass gave me a call at the driving range on Friday arvo to report that they were very spaced out but had survived. I had a great time with Wal, who was very tired after just getting back from third grade camp, and Gurecki, along with a relatively brief visitor in the shape of Kenny F. We were all a little off our game (well Wal and Gurecki were: for me I think the idea that I was off my game is highly misleading as it seems to be a perennial state). Ken was getting the feel for the game after a bit of a lay off as he intends to stay in Taiwan this long break and plans to do a bit of golfing.
We picked up the spaced out kitties at 9 am Saturday and walked home cradling them in their baskets. Virg has not stopped meowing at super volume since and after both of them stumbling and hissing through the day, we thought they’d sleep OK. Unfortunately the wailing continued, especially at 3.19, 4.50, 5.25 and again at 6.15 when I gave up and got up to try to placate her. They’ve got a little better since, I’m happy to report! I know what the majority of readers are thinking and yes, we know that we’re lucky we haven’t got any kids if this is how we react!
After my enforced early rising, I thought I’d make the most of it and get up the 1000 stairs. This is a strangely inaccurate name for the steps actually as I believe there are about 1400 stairs, but I suppose after travelling up 1000 going straight up for 1.5 km it doesn’t really matter! The trail was chock full of well intentioned parties of folk, all kitted up with their backpacks, their specialized hiking sticks and various other paraphernalia. I had to dodge and weave all the way up and my speedy ascent was quite the opposite of the norm today. People were stopped on the path taking photos, having a rest, staring at insects on leaves, looking wistfully into the trees trying to spot a monkey or doing various other trail-blocking stunts. I’ll remember not to go super early on a Sunday morning again, I think!
Cass and I went downtown this afternoon to the Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station area. This part of the city is abuzz with action on the weekend and has an exciting cluster of restaurants that take our fancy. In just one tiny laneway are Toasteria café, next to Alleycats pizza (a different branch from our usual of course), Mary’s hamburgers and our destination, Yuma’s. It is a Tex-Mex affair a little like Chili's, but maybe a little better. It certainly has a range of exciting taste sensations and the lemon fired prawns and chicken fajitas and enchiladas were great. Cass had tasty vegetarian nachos and a glass of “white wine” which tasted like an old style cheap moselle that had been fragranced by a berry farm…much like the paint thinner at Royal Host I reckon. Anyway we had a really fun time and enjoyed the usual madding crowd at the stations along the way. Photos: Bush and Obama advertise a vitamin drink on the MRT, a shot of Taipei Main Station chaos, two shots in Yuma, and two shots of the guys at golf. Job for the week: get the air-conditioner fixed! Reading: same.