We had a great little party and it was relaxing to drink and eat and chat with like minded folk. We’re definitely the elder citizens of this little group, with Sean and Wal the next oldest. Katie herself is still in her 20s so some of the other friends were similarly young. We do love hanging out with them though: we commented later that it probably keeps us pretty fresh and avoiding becoming jaded old teachers! Afterwards, we retired to the Red Hut and had a few quiet drinks before wandering off to our respective homes. The Red Hut’s major claim to fame is having a spectacular built in fish tank in both the men’s and women’s toilet. One wall is dedicated to a wonderful underwater fantasy, with hundreds of fish and other items of interest.
I got up way too early and ventured out to the coast. I met up with Dan and Nicky and the kids and we inspected every possible surf spot right from Jinshan to Damsui. As is often the case, we ended up chasing an elusive surf: lots of places were nearly surfable, but not quite. I actually needed Ross back with me on Saturday…I know he would have convinced me to go out somewhere! Anyway, as it turned out, I eventually got home nearly 4 hours later, quite exhausted and ready to eat a very late breakfast with my only recently arisen wife (!) I spoke to Josh and Kristen on the phone from Singapore later in the morning and they had some great job news which will see them stay in Singapore for a few more years at least. Saturday night we stayed in and Cassy cooked us up some magnificent spaghetti Bolognese…..one of my favorites, so all was right with the world.
Sunday was another magnificent day weather wise and after sleeping in a touch to make up for my lack of sleep the previous night, we proceeded to read vast quantities of Herald clippings from Mum before venturing out. We were just going to walk down the canal, but decided to extend the walk down to the night market area. Along the way, we enjoyed the beautiful sunshine and fresh air and eventually ended up at a little café we like down there, Orange. I had some vegetable lasagna and Cass had a Caesar salad and grapefruit juice….all delicious. It was so relaxing sitting up on the 2nd floor with a view of the mountains on such a clear day.
After lunch we ventured further down to the real action, and even though it was only mid afternoon, the crowd was already starting to swell. I was on a mission to get a few little things for our trip and we spotted another few things along the way. We got a hippish kinda scarf for me at some trendy kid’s joint then managed to spot some shoelaces, both normal and long. My boots have been crying out for some! Later on we spied a makeup mirror for poor old blind Cass (!) which magnifies on one side and a woolen hat for me. It’s one of those Andy Capp type things, but before recoiling in horror, let me explain that it is a plain colour (green) and I can wear it front ways or back. It’s become a necessity with these flowing locks I can tell you! Anyway, today was even better as Brandon brought in a lightweight jacket he’d bought on the cheap in Beijing which just might do the trick as a take anywhere jacket instead of my big bulky wool coat. I’ll test it out a little round here before I decide.
Cass is good, but continuing to grade great doorsteps of papers: those guys have to seriously look at their curriculum and their marking commitments in my opinion. We’re both quite tired today after our marathon walking efforts yesterday and a hard day at work. Bring on Christmas break! Photos; a shocking reminder of the Pasha Bulker when I spied a ship aground on the north coast. Cass in front of Dogs and cats café, the inside of Orange, strangely themed Taipei restaurant and the classic “stinky” dofu!! Finally, an entertaining sight whenever we wander down to Shilin: outside the church great lines of women ply their trade as "facial" specialists. They use an amazingly dexterous hand in wielding a string which seems to get rid of blackheads etc. Pedicures and manicures are on offer on the busy street as well!