We also got across to the pictures and saw "21" which was pretty cool and great to see some of these institutions up close that we always hear so much about (MIT, Harvard etc). We ate out a lot at all sorts of different establishments and everything is right in the world.
We've both had pretty big weeks (and another half since I wrote the blog last, sorry to my faithful readers: all two of you!) and are building, building for another. The massive Gurecki Five-O is on this Saturday and we're hosting a few of the boys for state of origin tonight. Our cable got cut off in the middle of the night last night, so I've been frantically trying to rectify that before the big game: technician did arrive and it has been fixed: whew! Have to love Taiwan service....
Who said I couldn't write a non-verbose blog entry! Photos: kids and adults having fun at camp, Wushi waves of quality.
Home soon....!
Home soon....!