In saying that however, even though the week opened today in a similar hectic fashion, the rain has lifted momentarily and all is looking a little better with the world. As I am at a total loss for a theme this week, I’ll talk about hair! As Cassy’s hair remains in short fashion that suits her very well, my locks are gradually edging downwards. For no particular reason except perhaps a last hurrah of flowing locks before the inevitable male pattern baldness really begins to take hold, my hair has been growing for some months now. I’m realizing as each day goes by why I enjoyed that crew cut for so long. Especially in this high humidity, my hair is starting to curl and wave all around my head in a distinctly hard to contain manner. I turn into such a girl with longer hair: I get annoyed at wind blowing it around, seek the dreaded “product” to try to contain it in certain areas and find the endless washing and shampooing an incredible chore! I even had to go and buy a “decent brush” to maintain the fine coif! All in all it’s extremely time-consuming (read: takes longer than 5 seconds to look after), seems to appeal to older women (“Your hair looks lovely, David!” from my boss and various other vintage colleagues doesn’t go down well) and has to be hidden under a hat if I go out in public without incessant coiffing. I’m pretty much over it!!
Photos: Cassy and David and Virg’n Mary when we rocked in from work half an hour ago.