Suffice to say that with school encroaching on nearly every waking moment, we jealously guarded our weekend time to be doing exactly what we wanted, no more no less. Friday, I had a beer with Gurecki and Wal and then brought home some KFC, which produced a minor stomach upset for both of us on Saturday.
We watched the test contentedly on Saturday from first ball to stumps before dragging ourselves out into a fairly dreary night, drizzling rain and cold temperatures. We booked some tickets to the movies in our favourite seats then went across the way to Thai Town for a very delicious meal. We got slightly adventurous and while the chicken wrapped in orchid leaves won’t be a regular, it was interesting to try it and the shrimp pancakes along with our usual green curries and spicy beefs etc.
Cloverfield was an unexpected surprise. The movie had us on the very edge of our seats the whole time: hugely exciting, we couldn’t believe what was happening on screen. Seemingly documentary style on a hand held camera, it was a New York filmed like the Blair Witch project meets Godzilla on speed. We were exhausted when the credits rolled from all the excitement, but just loved the ease of stepping into the lift to pick up Blackie the scooter in the car park before motoring home.
Sunday was another luxuriant day of intriguing cricket: the feed superb, the day cold and wet and we were hunkered down! The “girls” slept with Cass on the lounge and we alternated between watching the action with reading our Herald clippings (thanks Mum!)…a very relaxing way to end our very busy week. Just as I was dozing off, Dan rang to see if a surf was in my thoughts. I agreed to meet him and he drove us out to a Green Ball again serving up some very powerful waves along with a killer current. To say I was cold, wet and very, very tired when I got home is an understatement!
After a very long hot shower I’m writing this but I’m going to cut it short. I haven’t eaten since breakfast, it’s nearly 7pm and I can smell beautiful aromas wafting in from the kitchen where Cassy is cooking up some butter chicken. So…see yaaa!
Photos: Temple relief, renovations Taipei style, Taipei night signs and Cass with a street angel!
We lost our good friend, Wal, to cancer this week and have spent the majority of it hoping that his family is coping. We've ruminated on life and are even more steeled in our resolve to not only make the best of it, but to be the best to others that we can be.