On Friday, Cass had met Wal and I at the Royal Host for tea around 7pm. I’ve described “the Host” on these pages before I’m sure. It’s a Japanese chain restaurant, a “family” restaurant, whatever that implies, although I must admit there are always large numbers of screaming kids flying around. I think the menu has lots of kiddy options so the parents are able to have a relatively civilized meal while the little scamps are kept quiet gobbling down some rubbish or other. Cass and I had the usual steak set which is pretty good: quite surprisingly good in fact. We had a good chat and then moseyed on home to start the weekend.
Afet5r all the “exertions” of the previous two days, we were quite content to just loll around at home on Sunday, letting the grand final buildup charge us along as the day progressed. We had the internet news going, the various footy radio chat shows and football calls streaming and steadily approached the 5pm (Taipei) kickoff time. I struggled out into the light of day to get some subway sandwiches, but that was about it. We only had a small crowd but it was good fun. A few guys couldn’t make it due to various family, study or overseas conference commitments, but our little crew had a good time. Lewy was first to arrive, then Sean then Wal eventually got in around half time with his promised Alleycats pizzas! Lewy has some strange aversion to cheese, so we heated him up a couple of pies so he wasn’t at all disappointed. After the game, which Melbourne won oh so comprehensively, Wal, Lewy and I had a nightcap down at the “Red Hut” a cool little bar/restaurant just down the road. We all decided that the weekend, although necessary, was just all a bit too much, so I, for one, have great plans to do something vastly more energetic next weekend, and something which does not require compulsory beer drinking as we worship various sporting heroes!
Cass was really busy last week, having to complete progress reports and also make her two monthly visit to the doctor at Veteran’s hospital to check her blood levels. This always results in terrific tales about the Taiwanese hospital system, the (excellent) treatment of we TAS teachers compared to the general populace and various other gems. I must admit I was surprised and impressed the other day when we caught a cab and Cass addressed the driver with some perfect instructions of how to get to school in Chinese! “Where did that come from?” I enquired politely. “You’re not the only one learning Chinese, mate” I believe was the reply! Apparently rather than follow Cassy’s other directions, one of the cabbies had taught her some gold…
Cassy has begun the annual stunning cultural festival of “Rocktober in her class, blasting out Silverchair’s “Straight Line” video on the big screen from her new data projector. 2NX in Newcastle has a lot to blame for: the kids here are certainly in for a rock’n roll education over the next month as a different Oz rock classic greets them as they arrive each day in October. All good fun!
Sorry this is a day late: too much football actually was enough on the weekend! Photos: a classic shot of Virg’n Mary on their red puffy shirt (even in this heat!), a snap from the scooter showing the night market MRT station and the shot of Virgil’s head that is now our “favicon”. A favicon (favourite icon) is that little square thing at the start of the URL address. If it hasn’t changed for you, I think you need to delete internet files to see it….if you can be bothered, it is kind of cute, and pointyhat boardriders has a new favicon too.