We were very lucky not to experience the great hardship that so many people did back home, but the first day was certainly a day we’ll never forget. Exhausted after our travel home and another hectic end to a school year, it was very hard to cope with torrents pouring down our drive, our precious things kept in storage for 6 years just about all ruined by inundation, and serious water entry into our unit. Cass and I just had to bite the bullet and clean up for about a week as our visitors were arriving after that. It was quite draining physically and emotionally as we threw all our treasures into a skip at the top of the drive, yet it was a catalyst for a number of decisions which we’re very happy about.
We picked up Ross and Ains from Sydney and brought them back to an unseasonably miserable Newcastle, the buzz of the Pasha trying hard to counteract the dreary weather. Over the next week or so we delighted in seeing our friends again, experienced some big storm surf, Ross ran to the Pasha and back each day and we ate and drank a lot! We had a magnificent night out with Mum, partaking of fine food and wine then we even managed to get out on Chris and Val’s boat after a snap decision one morning when the weather lifted for just one magnificent (and more typical!) winter’s day.
We also bit the bullet and had a minor renovation done. Even though relatively minor, the tradesman only being able to come on weekends meant it extended out for ages and we found ourselves locked to a home schedule to let them in, or be there when they were due to come. It’s turned out fantastically, our bedroom now extended, not by much, but enough to open the room up and give it a whole new feel. The other addition is a massive semi-walk in linen cupboard. We sacrificed our mini “media alcove” to achieve these extras and we both think it is a much better use of the space. Soon, we’re also replacing the louvres with fixed panes and double hung windows as well. The only thing left will be new carpet and that’s waiting till next June, when hopefully, all the problems on the back wall have been fixed.
Cass caught up with her “girls” a few times during the break and we went out to dinner with the Uni boys and partners and had a boy’s night out as well a week later. We had a delicious dinner at Wal and Thurza’s and dined with Thurza again with other friends and saw her a lot this trip which was really great. Cass was disappointed not to catch up with Ildi but our renos were just too awkward. AJ dropped in for a great catch up chat and he also made the trip from Sydney for the boys’ night. We had the pleasure of attending Robert and Erin’s combined 40th birthday parties and what a great time we had catching up with all the relatives from the extended family : I’m always just so impressed with the erudition on show at these gatherings! We didn’t have our own party this year, but still managed to catch up with lots of people even though we were preoccupied with all sorts of other distractions as previously mentioned. We didn’t see as much as we’d like of the family this year, but really did find this holiday to be a strange one: whenever there seemed a chance, there was another job to do or another tradesman’s appointment to keep. We had a lovely dinner at Jen and Vince’s and got our rare chance to see all the kids and had a day out for Mum’s birthday where all the clan gathered. We got to see Helen and family a few times and Sue and little Duncan came round to see us and we saw them.
Taiwan is still enticing us with her various charms, which we’re rather impressed with, considering we’re beginning our 7th year here. Even though it always feels a little awkward getting back and adjusting to our totally different life over here (apart from being in Asia, we actually have to work!) our apartment feels comfortable, Virg’n Mary seem especially glad we’re back and no doubt, I’ll continue to find something to babble on about on these pages for the foreseeable future.
Photos: a dirt(!) road in the back of beyond on our severely truncated bike trip, 3 happy souls on the boat, Ains getting fitted out for her bike ride, Cassy at our seafood feast including champers(thanks R&A!), surfer boys, the Pasha and the boys. The most poignant for us is the shot of the shed with the sodden boxes of ruined things.