Cass and I decided to venture down to the Hsin Yi district on Saturday night, home of the frighteningly tall Taipei 101. The MRT was our chosen option for transport, but we'd forgotten how many people go out on a Saturday night. It was mental! We had to stand up all the way to Taipei Main, getting jostled and bothered by humanity all the way. The crowd on the second line was mercifully thinner and we were disgorged at City Hall to 101 lit up magnificently against the dusky sky. The mall through to the cinema district was very vibrant, distinguished by marble statues and people imitating statues. I always have an almost overwhelming urge to touch or pinch these people: I wonder how kids resist?! Clowns and buskers, statuesque people and of course, all the young and beautiful mingled as they trouped off to whatever entertainment took their fancy. We were off to Romano's Macaroni Grill. Family and friends back home are aware of my penchant for eating veal: ostensibly as it is unavailable over here. Well, another one bites the dust! Not only veal, but Australian veal is on the menu at Romano's, at a premium of course, but there nonetheless.
I had an eventful Sunday morning. After traveling over the mountain, I was greeted by great angry monsters breaking way out to sea. It was cold, wet and windy, but I decided to brave the conditions at Green Bay. After getting a few super slams, common sense overtook valour and I headed for home. As I was at Green Bay, I thought I'd zip back via the expressway. So complacent by now, after having done it so many times, I managed to miss one vital "veer off", only to find myself rising and rising until I was on a high speed supper express ribbon, seemingly sluicing through the sky! It was a great view up there, but the next exit was 20 km past where I wanted to get off! Suffice to say, I eventually made it home after some scenic adventures in downtown Wugu and going back across the Bali red bridge.
Cass and I then settled in to watch the one day cricket and enjoyed a pretty close fought game for a change: something of a rarity this summer. Cassy seemed to be doing lots and lots of domestic activity this weekend with washing, shopping, cleaning etc. it was exhausting just thinking about it(!)
My camera has a mysterious "smudge" on it at the moment which I can't get rid of: it has got some dirt caught internally, making it near impossible to take a decent photo. I have included a couple of older ones: Gerri's class with whom I work, our new painting bought over Christmas, and a photo of the aforementioned Aunty Jack shirt, now not in my possession!