Writing this blog each week can become, well, tedious. For that reason and that alone, I gave it a miss this Sunday/Monday and said….”no, not this week”. See how long I lasted?! That said, and unlike previous times when I’ve said this will be a short one, then gone on to wax lyrically about the minutia of our lives, this one will be short!
We’re in a pretty cruisy zone here at the moment, both very fit and healthy and enjoying the change of weather. I’ve started walking to school each day again with Cass and I hit the bag and do some focus pads with either Josh or Wal (or both) most afternoons. I’d got into a very bad habit of riding the scooter to school, but we both really enjoy the walk: it clears the head both ways, in the morning from a good snooze and in the afternoon/evening, gives us a chance to dissect the happenings of the day and plan what we’ll do next whether it be socially or professionally.
The surf has been pretty crappy even by Taiwan standards lately, which you can probably tell looking at what I’m posting on Pointyhat. I’m putting all sorts of rubbish up there, much of which has but a very tenuous link with surfing!
We paid for a live stream of the Champion’s Trophy final in cricket the other day and it was very disappointing. We got a much interrupted feed unlike the week prior, when you could have been forgiven for thinking we back home in Australia watching the Aussies strut their stuff. We’ve already paid for the first two tests against the Poms, so we hope we have much better luck with the feed.
Anyway, that’s about it. Photos sparse as well, so how about Dave “hard at work” in the office, and directing traffic on the upper field on grade 3's field day.