This is belated due to a distinct lack of motivation. To be honest, not a lot has been happening except for a huge show on Saturday night to farewell Chad. We had a very relaxed weekend after Ross and I went out on Thursday and Friday afternoon to the surf.
We had mixed success in the latter part of the week at the surf. Carl joined us on Thursday, as he wouldn’t get a chance on the weekend because he was going to Hong Kong with the swimming team. We got a few small waves at the Pillbox and were once again fascinated by some young couples turning up to get their wedding photos taken. As you can see from the long shot featured here, the Pillbox (said Pillbox in the left foreground) is not a place of great beauty, but at dusk, some great shots can be taken with the water as a backdrop. You’ll notice the incredible amount of rocks at this our “secret” surfing spot. We’re hoping that even when the local boys discover this spot that the ugly rock formations might frighten them off. We’re sure the discovery will happen soon, as we’ve seen cars with boards lurking very close to our inbound lanes and alleys and there is an amazing building boom going on just behind the pig farm, which holds prime spot on the coast! We’ve had a number of years now since I first discovered it on the scooter on an expedition one day, so we hope it will last a little longer.
Friday was a millpond at the activity centre, but Ross and I got a few glassy barrels at the cliff at Jinshan number 2. Trouble was the tubes were only 6 inches big! Lots of fun though and it was good take off, duck and cover practice.
We gave Chad a great sendoff on Saturday night and more than a few men at school still had a sore head on Monday. We had loads of fun and managed to miss the big bus downtown when the driver left in a hissy fit (!), then caught the 2nd half of an exciting FA cup final at the Brass Monkey. I’ve started to collect money for the big Ross extravaganza planned for June 3rd and it is going well so far.
Of course, we watched the Knights in their great win on Sunday: got out of gaol there!
Photos: Mary stretches out under the table on the weekend, a close shot of some photographers with the happy couple, a long shot of the Pillbox and wedding photos.