We went out for a surf on Friday afternoon to wash away the parent conferences from the past two days. The Pillbox was small but pleasant and was just the tonic for an early Friday surf. The car was locked in the school’s garage on Saturday as the Spring Fair extravaganza played itself out for another year. In my opinion, the school campus was a great place to avoid on Saturday. We’ve had a great weekend, kick started by the awesome Newcastle Knights! How good are those Knights going? Without wanting to put a hex on them, we’ve already looked up the grand final dates and I’ve already decided to line up for tickets when they go on sale when we’re back. Let’s hope we’re winging our way home again for that first weekend in October!
We went and saw “The Inside Man” at the movies on Saturday afternoon and thoroughly enjoyed it, partly I think because we didn’t know anything about it except for the actors before we went. That’s one bonus of living in a Chinese language environment: unless you actively seek the information out, you’d never know about all sorts of stuff. We went on the reputation of Clive Owen, Denzel and Jodie Foster as well as the directorial skills of Spike lee and loved it: there’s nothing like a good heist movie.
We followed that up by going to the Tienmu East Rd Thai restaurant that has been open for a while, but we’ve never been to. The Orchid and the Elephant had a pleasing ambiance and some flavour filled, authentic Thai food: just like being back on the beach at Ban Chang!
We had our now traditional big brekky of pancakes and proper coffees and Herald clippings courtesy of Mum and spent a looonng time doing it! Ross and I then went to the surf at the activity centre at Jinshan and had an unreal surf: some of the best rides I’ve had in Taiwan. I bit the bullet and did myself as Pointy of the Month on the Pointyhat site, partly to encourage others to volunteer: I quite enjoyed the experience actually; it was fun to think about the answers to some unusual questions.
Cass and I are both pleased to see the Aussie dollar take a long awaited dip. It will be good for the Aussie exporters and also the Aussie diaspora as they send money home: we’ll try to send some this week to take advantage. Just a three-day week coming up: lots of folk off to the EARCOS conference in Manila on Thursday and Friday. We opted out after going to Vietnam last year, so we’ll have stuff to do but no kids at the end of the week. Happy Days!
Photos this week: Cass went to the zoo with her Yr 8s on Friday and took this shot: wouldn't you love to have this much energy?! Dave on a big boomin' left on Sunday and Joey hoisting the premiership trophy... sign of things to come?