There are two reasons this blog will be the very shortest I have written for years. Firstly, we're on holidays and that usually means I take a break from writing this tome, as much as I love it(!) The second and more pertinent reason is that my new computer on steroids has attracted a virus of similar gargantuan strength. In the space of an hour it got worse and worse until finally there were so many error messages and unannounced shutdowns that I turned it off and gave up! My computer man is on Chinese New Year holidays as is nearly every other person here in Taipei, so I'm writing this from school. I spent most of today at school doing some uni work, a most unusual pastime for me in a week off. It is anathema for me to grace the corridors of the school with my presence in a break, but circumstances demanded it. You will hopefully enjoy our new feature here on the blog of some video. Virg'n Mary are the sleepy subjects relaxing in the sun in our first experimental might have to wait a few minutes for it to load.
We've had a lovely break so far and had a great meal out with Ross and Ains last night and saw "Syriana" at Warner Village. Well, that's it for now, enjoy the little video and wish us luck getting our computer back online....we're missing our link to the world already and have to watch that cricket on Friday!!!