Got ½ a computer back and we’re back online! This blog did not meet its regular Sunday/Monday deadline for a number of reasons, prime amongst them was that we were flat out like lizards drinking writing reports and marking papers etc and also that our computer was off line. In these past few days I wonder how I ever survived in Japan: pre-internet, few letters, fewer papers, no English on the TV, the shops, the street. I suppose that’s why I can still babble away in Japanese and why we can barely put two words together in Chinese! Different times, different need, different necessities. Anyway, as per usual, I digress into an abyss of mindless verbiage (see?!).
The amusingly named Dick, who we quite unkindly labeled with the last name “Head” after leaving us in the lurch, is a computer expert here in Tienmu who does house calls. The added bonus is that he speaks English. Much to my delight (Cass is barely interested in the whole deal at best!) he had agreed to come around to make a few modifications to our computer. I have a grand plan of subscribing to a new service that will stream cricket over the net! This service, ironically, originates from America, but allows subscribers to pay to view selected series, tours etc. I want to watch the one dayers in the New Year.
Warning: Ridiculous, unnecessary tech talk following: skip if you have a life.
I wanted to give the computer every chance to stream successfully so decided to ramp up a few things. We have increased our cable upload/download speed to 3M/640, which is psycho fast, but we needed a new motherboard, which would allow the stream. I also needed to free up hard disc space, so wanted a new 160 gb external hard drive to supplement the 80 gb we already have and move things like the capacity heavy iTunes and the like to the external space. This will free up the internal to maximum capacity. I also sought to increase the RAM up to a gig. The last component is a WiFi setup between the computer in one room and the new TV in the other and beams the stream from the computer to the big new TV. Dick managed all this, but only after arriving hours late 3 times and leaving us computerless for days on end. He now has to come back to change by video card, as the graphics were a bit poor on the remote stream to the TV: this will happen on Monday.
Luddites now please rejoin us! After all that, I still don’t know whether this will work, but it’s a plan and I have high hopes. We’ve barely had a chance to think about our trip, but we’ve booked a driver to get to the airport and everything’s booked and paid for over there, so we’re kinda ready. I’m hoping that we’ll be able to catch a bit of cricket over there, knowing the Sri Lankans’ love for the game, I really hope so, as the Boxing Day and New Year tests are such favourites of ours. Those who know us best will recall we even went to the cricket on our honeymoon!
I received my results from San Diego for my three latest courses today and was delighted to pass considering the awful mush I sent away to them. Accompanying these results were a card from Ildi and Simon and another from Wal and Thurza. What a buzz to get these cards over here!. It’s just so much more of a thrill than when we’re home for some reason. We also received a card and family letter from my aunt and uncle, Virginia and Jeff. I have just sat back on the lounge and read the entire goings on in their family over the last year. I love those Christmas family letters!! Cassy’s Mum and Dad rang last night and had a good chat and also rang last weekend. My mum also rang last night and said she too had sent a card and letter, so we’ll look forward to that. As Cassy always says at this time of year, “Oh good, I’ll find out what I’ve done this year, Denise always remembers something I don’t!”. We’ve also received emails recently from Sue and one just today from Helen, which I quickly read, but will read and savour again in a few minutes.
I took a few photos years back of my room, here are the updated versions. Also, we took a really quick Christmas photo when we got home this afternnon: Virg'n Mary are suitably unimpressed!
Please accept this as our Happy Christmas and Prosperous and Happy New Year to you from us. We are sad in some ways not to be coming home, but we hope Sri Lanka will provide enough distractions for us to forget about the Chrissy family, friends, cricket, food, drink and the general being merry till we get home again for a while in June.