I was quite cloudy in my thoughts and slow in movement on Friday this week, head pounding, my mouth feeling like it had been scoured with a steelo pad. I didn’t take my own (recent) advice and had ventured to the Green Bar on a school night and was paying the price. The night started innocently enough as Chad and Cathy had invited us to dinner and a movie, which we were very keen to go to as they had a babysitter booked and ready. Chili’s had our patronage once again on Thursday night and we dined out on some delicious morsels and had a robust discussion about lots of stuff, mostly gossiping about school stuff and people, as well as plans for Christmas. We saw the quite delightful and subtle comedy, “Pride” with Uma Thurman and Meryl Streep. The trouble started of course when Chad and I decided to have a couple of beers after chaperoning the girls home. The 10.30 deadline came and went, many more hours later and just a few revolutions of the hour hand before “get up” time we decided to move on out. Great night, but very fuzzy day!
Ross went to Hong Kong with the rugby team, so Carl and I headed over early Saturday for a surf. A couple of the boys had gone over at 5 am and we got the call as we headed down the far side of the mountain of full tides and lack of swell. We were in a surreal world at that point, the fog thick as soup, hanging heavy on the winding mountain road, defying the bright sunny day we’d left behind in Tienmu. Arriving back relatively early, I told Cass we were going on an adventure downtown for lunch, by car no less. Our destination was the Frying Scotsman, a fish and chip shop in the shadows of the world’s tallest building, the Taipei 101. So what, Dave?! Well, we don’t have a fish and chip shop here, not since the ill fated “Mr. Fish closed its doors a couple of years ago and negotiating Taipei weekend traffic is not for the faint hearted. An enterprising Scotty has transported the entire contents of a Scottish “Chippee” to Taipei and set up shop. The pies and mushy peas were good, but the chips were simply divine. Big fingers of potato deep-fried and smothered in vinegar and salt…heaven!
After feasting on this rare delight we wandered into the World Trade Centre next door. I wanted to see if Alex, my surfboard supplier was open, but his door was shut and locked and the lights were off. We stopped to admire some Harley patches in the place next door and interrupted the owner chowing down on the Taiwanese equivalent of fish and chips, some foul smelling soup with unidentifiable animal parts floating and bobbing and threatening to jump out alive at any moment! We had a chat and he presented us with a couple of Harley patches when he heard we were owners and told us he was the exclusive supplier to Harley in the world. Who’d have thought we’d stumble across this tiny little outlet with the BIG contract in the back offices of this huge exhibition hall?…I have patches made right in his little factory!
Not content to stop there, and much against Cassy’s better judgement, we waltzed past the guards and entered the trade hall, where thousands of exhibitors had set up to promote their wares to prospective retail buyers from all over the world. I was most interested in the mushroom tonic, which was good for the liver, the electronically cleansed water from a miracle machine and the various other medical marvels. Much to Cassy’s horror, I engaged in conversation with and tried the products of anyone who spoke to us: I’m sure the fellow with the acupuncture inspired massage sandals was sure I would order thousands of pairs!
Cassy was spiriting me away as fast as possible, but led us straight into another exhibition hall, this time for weddings; I just took a few photos of the “hideously” dressed models.Onwards to “New York New York” a department store of funky attire, where I bought the most conservative pair of shoes they stocked: still pretty funky I thought! After taking the sky bridge into the gorgeously decadent world of the Taipei 101 mall (remember Mum?..Tiffanys et al are all open now!) We wandered slowly through the marble walks and avenues, past a mind boggling array of crass consumer goods, a slice of life far removed from the everyday, then back to the Frying Scotsman for some take away pies: down to earth with a thud! I’ve got lots more to rave about today, but this entry is getting far too verbose: I’ll write a bit more next week.
STOP PRESS: My sister Sue is pregnant! Congratulations Sue and Neal: I've just had to put my heart back in the chest cavity from where it jumped but Cass and I are both stoked with your news. Sue rang us just an hour ago, berated me for not getting this blog out on time yesterday (sorry!) than floored us with the big news. Whatever next!!