I won’t harp on again about sleepovers, but suffice to say, we did it and the kids had a ball and I got about 4 hours fitful sleep. That done on Friday night, I was pretty much a zombie on Saturday, but I roused myself in the early afternoon to take Cass and go to visit Sean in hospital. The poor little bugger had smashed into a hurdle at field day on Friday and did some major damage to his leg. He broke the tibia at the growth plate and dislocated his kneecap. Luckily there was no ligament/tendon damage, but he had surgery on Friday night, getting 3 screws inserted into his leg. As you can imagine he’s very uncomfortable, but Carl and Hiroko organized a private room for him and one or both of them has been with him non-stop. It’s been quite a strain on the whole family and travel plans back home are really in a state of flux at the moment. At this stage, they’re not sure if he can travel when school breaks up, but we’ll wait and see: hopefully everything will work out without too much hassle.
On Sunday, Cass went down to the Regent with a few friends from school to celebrate Kristin’s birthday. They had a tasty lunch at the smorgasbord there and whiled away a few hours. I went up to see Sean and joined the Lochrins watching the delayed telecast of the FA cup final. I arrived home in time to watch the Sunday football and enjoyed a kind of scrappy game. I had the Internet live scoring going on Saturday night and was so frustrated with the Knight’s game. Those poor men cannot take a trick at the moment. To get so close to winning every week must be quite soul destroying.
The Pointy Hat boys have not had much to cheer about lately, but we did get a few little waves on Thursday at the Rocket. Lewy is writing an article about us for a magazine over here, so wanted to get a few photos of the “die-hards” who go out in all weathers and conditions. That dubious honour was given to Ross and me, so we had Lewy regaling us with all sorts of stories and gossip there and back: that guy can really talk! Some of the photos are featured on the Pointy Hat site so check them out here. The site has been very popular with our crew here and I noticed the other day that we’ve been put on the links page of another surfing page here in Taiwan, so I’m quite chuffed! This Thursday, there is an amazing spike in the swell predicted, so we’re all hoping for a bit more action. The only trouble is that I have a meeting scheduled after school, but I might just need to leave early, I think!
We got our 360 feedback last week as well, but I’ve taken an unusual tack with mine. This is a multiple feedback on our performance from 3 sources: the kids we teach, their parents and our colleagues. The trouble of course is that is done anonymously and there is great scope for some people to give you a massive serve, undeserving or not. It’s always great to read the good stuff, but a little disconcerting to read what the arrogant and cowardly have written. Cass received quite incredible grades and comments and hers is such a pleasure to read. I locked mine in the bottom draw of my desk without opening it! I’m sure it will be fine, but for the momentary thrill of reading a few nice comments, I’d prefer not to read any negative ones, hence my decision. If I can hold out, I think it’s been a very good decision. The ESL kid’s parents pay a huge fee over and above their tuition, so inevitably some take out this problem on me. I prefer not to read these, therefore my stance.
School is in that dizzy whirl at the moment: end-of-year parties back to back with divisions, departments, teams and whole school celebrations all vying for those precious few nights available at this time. We’re going to a big show at the American Club to farewell our wonderful superintendent, the lower and middle school each have a show, and I’m off to a team dinner on Thursday to farewell Blair and Chad etc etc. Just to add to this social frenzy, Cass and I are hosting a State of Origin party at our place when the game is televised live here at 5.30 our time on Wednesday.
Home soon…can hardly wait!