the boys

Watching Gilly crack another ton then going over for a surf for the 3rd time that day. The sun beats a warm full body tattoo that will fade before my second day back at work and kiddies scream with delight at the lip of the Ladies Baths. Millions of little crystals sparkle on the water while the girls at Swell café just call out the customer’s first names to come and get their espresso and pannini. Little (and not so little!) nephews and nieces delight in their Christmas experience and the oldies eat some fine food and are merry. Friends and family have us over for the most mouthwatering BBQs and a bunch of old farts from uni days meet to discuss the world and their lives 22 years after we first met.
A big black motorbike that feels impossibly heavy and powerful just keeps asking for more speed and turn, leaning back in the seat and listening to that signature purr.
Sailors on maxi yachts in a full spinnaker run up the Derwent greeted by the diners at The Taste at Salamanca look exhausted and elated at the same time. Peeling great chunks from a juicy full salmon at a beautiful couple’s wedding in a Tasmanian vineyard, perfect day drifting into elegant night.
Great memories of our holiday back in Newcs and beyond, but not quite as special as the miracle back here. Despite being the Taipei foreigner’s close playground not one of our faculty or wider community were caught in the tsunami. The hallway talk all points to the three week break as saving many lives, the Americans choosing to go home instead as the longer time let them cope with their jet lag a little better and the Antipodeans seeing this break as a perfect opportunity to experience a real summer. Other international schools in this region did not come off unscathed: this tragedy has hit many with losses of teachers, parents and kids.
Virg’s stomach seems to have doubled in size: she must have done nothing else but eat for three weeks, while Mary has obviously been more restrained, still cutting a sleek figure. The girls have been incredibly attentive and have not stopped purring since we arrived home. We’re already enslaved again to the computer for all our contact needs and I must say, I haven’t really missed it. It’s been decadent to get the Herald each day and watch the news on telly, not to mention the titillating reality shows which have become even more bizarre since our last trip. Outback Jack, Wife Swap and Holiday Swap wouldn’t normally be viewing of choice, but when you’ve been starved of such fare…..all I can say is that even though deeply disturbing, it was also strangely compelling!
After a few short hours sleep on Sunday, we taught a full day then I went back to school from 6 till 9pm for the next installment of my new Master’s course, and yes, I did get the “noddies” and drop off for a few minutes! Ah well, all in the search of knowledge and educational fulfillment (or is that credit points and more money?!)
A few more shots than usual today, not of something vaguely exotic but reminders of a great trip home. See you in 5 months!