ains, ross and cass

Cassy’s favourite restaurant here in Taipei city has opened a new branch, quite unbelievably; just 4 minutes walk from our front door. We used to make a death defying 40-minute scooter ride to the Living Mall and travel to the 11th floor to the Bird, Taipei restaurant. It is delicious and authentic Thai food in great surroundings, complete with chirping canaries. The Tienmu branch is bereft of live birds, but the ambiance is still relaxed and intimate. Hidden away in an alley off Chung Shan Rd, Ross and Ainsley invited us to join them on Saturday night. We had a delicious feast and a couple of beers each before we moved on about 9.30 with the thought that we’d meet up the road at a bed shop of all places. R&A had been looking at buying a new bed and we mentioned that there was a new bed shop near our place. We all had a bit of fun and the girl in the shop was most bemused when I asked her to take the shot of us trying out the King size. They’re pretty interested in the King and I had to try to dampen Cassy’s enthusiasm to buy a new one for us. The best line I had was “But what about the sheets?” which caused her to think about the practicalities of replacing all our linen, especially when only pure cotton Sheridan will do!
Shopping can be pretty interesting here in Taipei, even to an avowed non-shopper such as myself. An outlet called Best Buy just a few doors down from school has some unbelievable bargains at the moment. I was a little skeptical when I first heard but I am totally convinced of the value now. I just purchased a Quiksilver tracksuit, with zip up jacket with hood; embroided emblems, top quality and a matching embroidered T-shirt for an incredible price. To make this even more incredible is the fact that they’re currently having a two for one sale, so I got another whole set the same for free! I choose a different colour, but apart from that they’re identical. I certainly got shopping fever in that place and had to restrain myself from buying more stuff…. it was amazing. I sent Cass down there after school with 1000NT(about $40), so it will be interesting to see what she comes home with.
Surfing has been on Friday evening and again on Sunday and it has been cold enough to freeze the extremities into numbness and give an ice cream head to anyone stupid enough to be in the water, wind and rain for more than half an hour. Of course, we have done just that, achieving the shakes that can only be cured by a piping hot super strength shower when we get home. This is a segue to the other event through the week: the installation of a water pump which can deliver water so hard and fast that there is a danger that a close stream of water could peel the skin from your body. We had told Mr. Lee that our water pressure had become so low that we didn’t get more than a dribble when we turned the hot water on. He got a guy to come and fix that, but decided that we needed a pump as well. The result is a little switch in the kitchen, which produces a power shower that momentarily lifts the showerhead from its holder and exfoliates anything game to come near it! I can tell you, it’s a welcome addition after some extreme freezer surfing.
We’ve been delighted to get some emails this week from Mum, Chris and Val, Thurza and Sue, all telling us little bits and pieces of their daily lives, a most welcome and delightful distraction from the cold here and the hectic push of the new term between Christmas and Chinese New Year which is coming at the end of this week. Beds are all the rage at the moment as Carl has just ordered and taken possession of a new mattress and is preparing to receive some visitors soon in the shape of Telstra Tony and his wife who will stay for a few days during their Asian tour.
We’ve enjoyed seeing Lleyton throw his body around, chasing down anything that moves these two weeks at the Australian Open. The commentators on Star Sports here have been flabbergasted at his endurance and “ticker”; he’s been a real little Aussie champion. I thought he might be a bit shy of weddings after Aussie Kim but I see that he is now engaged to the soapie star……….I hope he knows what he’s doing!!
We’re off to the Thai restaurant with Chad and Cathy on Friday night before meeting the Fockers which should be great and then Chinese New year beckons with a search for the great white whale of Taiwan: the perfect mystery wave out near CKS airport. The search will be on in earnest…………..