I’ve decided to tap out a blog a little early this week and after venting my frustration last time, I promise I’ll get back to reporting just our events from this little corner of the world…..a safe place as long as the Chinese don’t start raining missiles on us, another story too frightening to contemplate, but one which seems unlikely even though a taxi driver told one of my colleagues that the Chinese would invade before Christmas!!!
Ross and I went for a surf after school on both Wednesday and Friday and again early on Saturday and we had various levels of quality. Wednesday and Friday afternoons were the pick and the Pillbox again provided us with some fair waves at an entertaining size. We can never complain about the crowd however: after getting all the boys from school out there one day in August none have come back, so Ross and I continue to surf our secret spot all by ourselves. It is a bit tricky and has rocks everywhere, but when you know where they are, it’s relatively easy to avoid them. The biggest problem is a strong current that sweeps us away from the main peak, but we’re getting good and strong from all the paddling!
Cass tripped down a tiny step at the front of the school on Monday and sprained her ankle. While gaily waving at a parent she did the wooly whoosh and various people came to her aid before the school nurse set her up with some ice and a wrapped ankle. She had Tuesday and Wednesday off school for some RICE treatment and now, nearly a week later, she is hobbling a little more freely. It was the other ankle from the one she hurt when she fell down our apartment steps last year, so that was good at least.
Ross and Ains had us over to watch the Aussie/ NZ league test on Saturday straight after our surf and it was a chance to eat some great lunch, all exotic goodies courtesy of the new Jason’s supermarket and to meet their new kittens, Abe and Gus. Much to Ross’ horror, the fact that Virg’n Mary were proving such a hit had seen Ains a little keener to get some cats, hence the move. I’m pretty sure he is OK with the decision and seems to have a ball with them. (Abe pictured above) Their new apartment is spacious and lovely and as we sat watching the game, eating our pies and beautiful ham, cheese, gherkins, pickled onion and that rare treat in Taiwan, beetroot (!) we could have been anywhere. We even drank some Carlton Colds!
We had a very lazy Sunday today and after a leisurely brekky reading some clippings from Mum, we watched some episodes of the 2nd series of “Footballer’s Wives” on DVD that we borrowed from another of the Aussies. We then did a super clean of the house and I anally dusted everything in sight before doing the vacuuming, while Cass did the bathrooms. Now I mention it, it’s a very strange phenomenon: I like to live in a clean environment but rarely do much about it between cleans. As soon as I get that duster in my hand I can’t stop till every tiny microbe has been scrubbed out and every surface, no matter how high or unseen is gleaming a happy little smile of dust-free bliss! Very, very strange…………….After that we decided to go out for a nice Sunday lunch, but Fangs was full so we opted for the far less salubrious Mos Burger next door! Best laid plans and all that…
This afternoon, we’ve enjoyed some commentary of the Aus/India cricket test and I’m still listening to it now, so that might explain the rather stilted style of this missive. Every now and then the Indian commentators shout out at great volume before calming down when they realize one of the Australians is not out after all! Cass is grading some memoirs after some marathon marking through the week and I have procrastinated to the extent that I now have a mountain of both school and uni work to do before Friday. I really do work best under pressure; at least that’s what I tell myself when I find ANYTHING to do except what I should be doing!! (like this)